Dashboard for Advertiser

We Know Self Serve!

Dashboard for Advertiser


The Dashboard is the first page after you login.

On this page you see a summary of all your campaigns status and performance.

Campaigns list

In the campaign list you can search and filter you campaigns.

Campaign status

Your campaigns have a status. The most important are:

  • Draft
    Initial status. Campaigns that are not yet confirmed by you.

  • Inactive
    Confirmed campaigns that are missing at least one approved creative.

  • Active
    Live campaigns running right now.

  • Canceled
    Campaigns canceled by you.

  • Completed
    Finished campaigns where end dates have passed and all statistics have been reported.

Resolve and Pay

In the list of campaigns you can see buttons Resolve and Pay as well as text in red describing any conflicts or problems with your campaigns.

  • Pay will open your campaign in the payment section.
    You can read more about that under Payment - Multiple campaigns.

  • Resolve will open the campaign in edit mode, where you can resolve conflicts like:

    • Start date has expired.

    • Product or inventory is no longer available.

  • Text in red describe problems like:

    • Expired dates
      Start date might have passed or similar.

    • Rejected Creatives
      A campaign needs at least on approved creative before it can start.


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