Welcome to DanAds Advertising platform!
We are happy you are here and aim to help you expand your business. (TBD)
Sign up
Your can either sign-up as an Advertiser or an Agency.
If you are an Advertiser you will create campaign on your own behalf, boosting your own business.
As an Agency you are able to create campaigns on your client’s behalf.
Select the option that fits your business.
TODO: ScreenshotEnter required information:
Company name
Default currency
Press Submit
After signing up you will receive a confirmation email with a link to set your password.
Click Set password
You are forwarded to a form asking you to create your password.
TODO: ScreenshotEnter the same password in both boxes and click Set password.
TODO: Screenshot
The password should include: (TBD)A minimum of 8 characters
After pressing Submit, a reCAPTCHA validation is done to make sure you are not a robot.
If validation is required a window is opened on top of the Sign up page where you need to validate.
You are logged and taken to the Dashboard.
TODO: Screenshot
Log In
If you have an active account you are able to login.
TODO: Screenshot
Enter you Email address
Enter your Password
Press Login
You are logged and taken to the Dashboard.
TODO: Screenshot
Forgot password
If you forget your password you can re-set it.
TODO: Screenshot
Enter you Email address
Press Reset password
You will receive an email with a link to reset your password
Press Set new password
TODO: ScreenshotEnter your new password
Press Reset password
TODO: Screenshot
You are logged and taken to the Dashboard.